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Wes Anderson remains a creative force to be reckoned with. Stars: Benicio del Toro, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Léa Seydoux, Frances McDormand, Timothée Chalamet, Lyna Khoudri, Jeffrey Wright, Mathieu Amalric, Stephen Park, Bill Murray, Owen WilsonĪs was the case with 2014’s The Grand Budapest Hotel, The French Dispatch is a story within a story-or, in this case, multiple stories within a story, and there are stories within those stories as well. Here are the 35 Best New Movies on iTunes: You can also check out our guides to the best movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Hulu, Showtime, Cinemax, YouTube, on demand, and at Redbox. We know iTunes has an enormous catalog of movies, but this guide should help you find something brand new to rent or buy that you’ll love. There are genre movies like The Green Knight and Sator abound, but we’re also recommending excellent indie films like Pig and brilliant docs like The Painter and the Thief-as well as films that made our Best of 20 lists.

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What we give you here is a list of the best new movies on iTunes, which is of paramount importance as VOD rentals become our standard moviegoing option and we all settle in for a new normal. A quick look at the top movies on iTunes will tell you that popular doesn’t always equal good.

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